[Progression4] LoaderList, SerialList, ParallelListの比較
* LoaderList, SerialList, ParallelListの比較
* SerialListは直列で、コマンド単位でのみ進捗を表示可能
* LoaderListは直列で、画像読み込みに応じた進捗を表示可能
* ParallelListは並列のため読み込みは高速、進捗報告はその後のバージョンアップで可能になった
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Modified 2011-12-08 17:13:33 |
MIT License
archived:2017-03-07 03:48:33
ActionScript3 source code
* Copyright clockmaker ( http://wonderfl.net/user/clockmaker )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/xtLt
* Progression4を利用した外部画像読み込み
* LoaderList, SerialList, ParallelListの比較
* SerialListは直列で、コマンド単位でのみ進捗を表示可能
* LoaderListは直列で、画像読み込みに応じた進捗を表示可能
* ParallelListは並列のため読み込みは高速、進捗報告はその後のバージョンアップで可能になった
package {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.utils.*;
import jp.progression.casts.*;
import com.bit101.components.*
import jp.progression.commands.lists.*;
import jp.progression.commands.net.*;
public class Main extends CastDocument {
private var progress:ProgressBar;
private var label:Label;
override protected function atReady():void {
new PushButton(this, 10, 10, "SerialList", startSerialList);
new PushButton(this, 150, 10, "LoaderList", startLoaderList);
new PushButton(this, 300, 10, "ParanelList", startParallesList);
progress = new ProgressBar(this, 10, 50);
label = new Label(this, 10, 70);
private function startSerialList(e:Event = null):void {
var list:SerialList = new SerialList();
for (var i:int = 0; i < IMG_FILES.length; i++) {
list.addCommand( new LoadBitmapData(new URLRequest(IMG_FILES[i] + "?" + Math.random() * 10000), {cacheAsResource:false}));
list.onPosition = function():void {
progress.value = list.position / list.numCommands;
label.text = list.position + "/" + list.numCommands + " with SerialList";
var oldTimer:int = getTimer();
list.onComplete = function():void {
label.text = "Load Time : " + Math.round(getTimer() - oldTimer) / 1000 + "sec with SerialList";
private function startLoaderList(e:Event = null):void{
var list:LoaderList = new LoaderList();
for (var i:int = 0; i < IMG_FILES.length; i++) {
list.addCommand( new LoadBitmapData(new URLRequest(IMG_FILES[i] + "?" + Math.random() * 10000), {cacheAsResource:false}));
list.onProgress = function():void {
progress.value = list.percent / 100;
label.text = Math.round(list.percent) + "% with LoaderList";
var oldTimer:int = getTimer();
list.onComplete = function():void {
label.text = "Load Time : " + Math.round(getTimer() - oldTimer) / 1000 + "sec with LoaderList";
private function startParallesList(e:Event = null):void {
var list:ParallelList = new ParallelList();
for (var i:int = 0; i < IMG_FILES.length; i++) {
list.addCommand( new LoadBitmapData(new URLRequest(IMG_FILES[i] + "?" + Math.random() * 10000), {cacheAsResource:false}));
label.text = "NOW LOADING with ParallelList"
var oldTimer:int = getTimer();
list.onComplete = function():void {
label.text = "Load Time : " + Math.round(getTimer() - oldTimer) / 1000 + "sec with ParallelList";
list.onUpdate = function():void { progress.value = list.count / list.total; label.text = Math.round(list.count / list.total * 100) + "% with LoaderList"; }
private static const IMG_FILES:Array = [