* Copyright keim_at_Si ( http://wonderfl.net/user/keim_at_Si )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/7W2s
// Ambient Occlusion Bench Flash10 porting
// Original version of AO bench was written by Syoyo Fujita.
// http://lucille.atso-net.jp/aobench/
// In original Flash10 porting, it takes 7 times slower than the Proce55ing.
// (refer from http://lucille.atso-net.jp/blog/?p=638).
// And now, it seems to be same speed as the Proce55ing does.
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.events.*;
[SWF(frameRate = "1000", backgroundColor = "#808080")]
public class main extends Sprite {
private var _tf:TextField = new TextField();
private var _screen:BitmapData = new BitmapData(WIDTH, HEIGHT, false, 0xffffff);
private var _renderY:int;
function main() {
_tf.autoSize = 'left';
_tf.htmlText = "<font color='#ffffff'>Rendering...</font>";
with(addChild(new Bitmap(_screen))){ x = y = 104.5; }
_renderY = 0;
addEventListener("enterFrame", _startRender);
private function _startRender(e:Event) : void {
// rendering
// copy pixels
for (var x:int=0; x<WIDTH; x++) _screen.setPixel(x, _renderY, render.output[x]);
// increment
if (_renderY == 256) {
// finish rendering
_tf.htmlText = "<font color='#ffffff'>Rendering time : " + String(render.renderingTime/1000) + "[sec]</font>";
removeEventListener("enterFrame", _startRender);
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
// global variables
const WIDTH :int = 256;
const HEIGHT:int = 256;
const NSUBSAMPLES:int = 2;
const NAO_SAMPLES:int = 8;
var render:Render = new Render();
// structures
class Isect {
public var t:Number = 0;
public var p:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
public var n:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
public var hit:int = 0;
class Ray {
public var org:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
public var dir:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
class Sphere {
public var center:Vector3D;
public var radius2:Number;
function Sphere(center:Vector3D, radius:Number) {
this.center = center;
this.radius2 = radius*radius;
class Plane {
public var p:Vector3D;
public var n:Vector3D;
public var pn:Number;
function Plane(p:Vector3D, n:Vector3D) {
this.p = p;
this.n = n;
this.pn = n.x*p.x + n.y*p.y + n.z*p.z;
// render
class Render {
// variables
public var output:Vector.<uint>;
public var renderingTime:int;
private var spheres:Vector.<Sphere> = new Vector.<Sphere>(3, true);
private var plane:Plane;
// constructor
function Render() {
renderingTime = 0;
output = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
// rendering
public function rasterRendering(y:int) : void {
var t:int = getTimer();
_render(output, WIDTH, HEIGHT, y);
renderingTime += getTimer() - t;
// privates
// initialize scene
private function _initScene() : void {
spheres[0] = new Sphere(new Vector3D(-2.0, 0.0, -3.5), 0.5);
spheres[1] = new Sphere(new Vector3D(-0.5, 0.0, -3.0), 0.5);
spheres[2] = new Sphere(new Vector3D( 1.0, 0.0, -2.2), 0.5);
plane = new Plane(new Vector3D(0.0, -0.5, 0.0), new Vector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
// render
private var ray:Ray = new Ray();
private var isect:Isect = new Isect();
private function _render(line:Vector.<uint>, w:int, h:int, y:int) : void {
var idx:int, x:int, u:int, v:int, du:Number, dv:Number, pixel:uint, ao:Vector3D,
hw :Number = w*0.5, hh :Number = h*0.5,
ihw:Number = 1/hw, ihh:Number = 1/hh,
step:Number = 1/NSUBSAMPLES,
occlusionPerPixel:Number = 1/(NSUBSAMPLES*NSUBSAMPLES),
color:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
// scan all pixels
idx = 0;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
// initialize pixel color
color.x = 0;
color.y = 0;
color.z = 0;
// sub samplings
for (v = 0, dv = 0; v < NSUBSAMPLES; v++, dv += step) {
for (u = 0, du = 0; u < NSUBSAMPLES; u++, du += step) {
// initialize ray vectors
ray.org.x = 0.0;
ray.org.y = 0.0;
ray.org.z = 0.0;
ray.dir.x = (x + du - hw) * ihw;
ray.dir.y = -(y + dv - hh) * ihh;
ray.dir.z = -1.0;
// check ray intersections
isect.p.x = isect.p.y = isect.p.z = 0.0;
isect.n.x = isect.n.y = isect.n.z = 0.0;
isect.t = 1.0e+17;
isect.hit = 0;
_intersectBySphere(isect, ray, spheres[0]);
_intersectBySphere(isect, ray, spheres[1]);
_intersectBySphere(isect, ray, spheres[2]);
_intersectByPlane (isect, ray, plane);
// when the ray is intersected, calculate ambient occlusion color.
if (isect.hit) {
// calculate gray scale
pixel = 0xff000000;
pixel |= (color.x >= 1) ? 255 : (color.x <= 0) ? 0 : int(color.x * 255);
pixel |= ((color.y >= 1) ? 255 : (color.y <= 0) ? 0 : int(color.x * 255)) << 8;
pixel |= ((color.z >= 1) ? 255 : (color.z <= 0) ? 0 : int(color.x * 255)) << 16;
output[idx] = pixel;
// increment index
// calculate ambient occlusion
private var aoRay:Ray = new Ray();
private var aoIsect:Isect = new Isect();
private var aoColor:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private var basis0:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private var basis1:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private var basis2:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private function _ambientOcclusion(isect:Isect) : Vector3D {
var i:int, j:int, th:Number, ph:Number,
x:Number, y:Number, z:Number,
rx:Number, ry:Number, rz:Number,
ntheta:int = NAO_SAMPLES,
nphi:int = NAO_SAMPLES,
occlusionPerSample:Number = 1 / (ntheta*nphi),
eps:Number = 0.0001,
occlusion:Number = 1.0;
// calculate transform matrix from local to global.
// the "local" coordinate is based on the normal vector at intersected point.
basis2 = isect.n;
basis1.x = 0.0;
basis1.y = 0.0;
basis1.z = 0.0;
if ((isect.n.x < 0.6) && (isect.n.x > -0.6)) basis1.x = 1.0;
else if ((isect.n.y < 0.6) && (isect.n.y > -0.6)) basis1.y = 1.0;
else if ((isect.n.z < 0.6) && (isect.n.z > -0.6)) basis1.z = 1.0;
else basis1.x = 1.0;
vcross(basis0, basis1, basis2).normalize();
vcross(basis1, basis2, basis0).normalize();
// calculate the origin of the second ray
aoRay.org.x = isect.p.x + eps * isect.n.x;
aoRay.org.y = isect.p.y + eps * isect.n.y;
aoRay.org.z = isect.p.z + eps * isect.n.z;
// calculate the ambient occlusion at intersected point
for (j = 0; j < ntheta; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
// calculate the direction of the second ray
th = Math.sqrt(Math.random());
ph = 6.283185307179586 * Math.random();
x = Math.cos(ph) * th;
y = Math.sin(ph) * th;
z = Math.sqrt(1.0 - th * th);
// transform second ray vector from local to global
aoRay.dir.x = x * basis0.x + y * basis1.x + z * basis2.x;
aoRay.dir.y = x * basis0.y + y * basis1.y + z * basis2.y;
aoRay.dir.z = x * basis0.z + y * basis1.z + z * basis2.z;
// check second ray intersections
aoIsect.p.x = aoIsect.p.y = aoIsect.p.z = 0.0;
aoIsect.n.x = aoIsect.n.y = aoIsect.n.z = 0.0;
aoIsect.t = 1.0e+17;
aoIsect.hit = 0;
_intersectBySphere(aoIsect, aoRay, spheres[0]);
_intersectBySphere(aoIsect, aoRay, spheres[1]);
_intersectBySphere(aoIsect, aoRay, spheres[2]);
_intersectByPlane (aoIsect, aoRay, plane);
// when the second ray is intersected, increase the occlusion.
if (aoIsect.hit) occlusion -= occlusionPerSample;
// return result
aoColor.x = occlusion;
aoColor.y = occlusion;
aoColor.z = occlusion;
return aoColor;
// cross product
function vcross(c:Vector3D, v0:Vector3D, v1:Vector3D) : Vector3D {
c.x = v0.y * v1.z - v0.z * v1.y;
c.y = v0.z * v1.x - v0.x * v1.z;
c.z = v0.x * v1.y - v0.y * v1.x;
return c;
// check ray intersection by sphere
private function _intersectBySphere(isect:Isect, ray:Ray, sph:Sphere) : void {
var rsx:Number = ray.org.x - sph.center.x,
rsy:Number = ray.org.y - sph.center.y,
rsz:Number = ray.org.z - sph.center.z,
B:Number = rsx*ray.dir.x + rsy*ray.dir.y + rsz*ray.dir.z,
C:Number = rsx*rsx + rsy*rsy + rsz*rsz - sph.radius2,
D:Number = B * B - C;
// when the ray is intersected by the sphere,
if (D > 0.0) {
var t:Number = -B - Math.sqrt(D);
if ((t > 0.0) && (t < isect.t)) {
// calculate cross point and normal vector.
isect.t = t;
isect.hit = 1;
isect.p.x = ray.org.x + ray.dir.x * t;
isect.p.y = ray.org.y + ray.dir.y * t;
isect.p.z = ray.org.z + ray.dir.z * t;
isect.n.x = isect.p.x - sph.center.x;
isect.n.y = isect.p.y - sph.center.y;
isect.n.z = isect.p.z - sph.center.z;
// check ray intersection by plane
private function _intersectByPlane(isect:Isect, ray:Ray, pln:Plane) : void {
var v:Number = pln.n.x*ray.dir.x + pln.n.y*ray.dir.y + pln.n.z*ray.dir.z;
// when parallel with plane
if (v>-1.0e-17 && v<1.0e-17) return;
var t:Number = -(pln.n.x*ray.org.x + pln.n.y*ray.org.y + pln.n.z*ray.org.z - pln.pn) / v;
// when the ray is intersected by the plane,
if ((t > 0.0) && (t < isect.t)) {
// calculate cross point and normal vector.
isect.t = t;
isect.hit = 1;
isect.p.x = ray.org.x + ray.dir.x * t;
isect.p.y = ray.org.y + ray.dir.y * t;
isect.p.z = ray.org.z + ray.dir.z * t;
isect.n.x = pln.n.x;
isect.n.y = pln.n.y;
isect.n.z = pln.n.z;